Artworks representing a futuristic guru of something but we don't know what

August 20, 2024

Fake the Faking Fakers

Here's some life advice worth a few hundred bucks: go out, have fun, have sex, eat healthily, and move your ass. Be somewhere you’re happy to be, surrounded by people you enjoy spending time with, and you’ll be happy.

So, did you also get that invitation from that new, amazing social app? You know, the one that’s supposed to be the next big thing, blending the best of LinkedIn and Instagram—or maybe it was somewhere between TikTok and Reddit, who knows? Who cares, you might think.

Well, it’s all about connecting people. Very few have actually found a way to make a serious living with their ‘expertise’ so far, but this new app claims to have figured it out—and how to profit from it too, right? Was it 15% or 20%?

‘Expertise.’ Does knowing the best time to post on social media really count as expertise? Can I survive in the woods with that information?

Here’s some life advice worth a few hundred bucks: go out, have fun, have sex, eat healthily, and move your ass. Be somewhere you’re happy to be, surrounded by people you enjoy spending time with, and you’ll be happy. You don’t even need to spend an unreasonable amount of money to achieve this. In fact, the roads leading to happiness are often very cheap.

If you can’t do that for any reason—maybe because you think sex is dirty, for instance—then it’s not a coach you need, but a therapist.

Yoga won’t save you any more than anything else before it, but it might help. Meditation too. Sometimes, illusion is enough. Honestly, the more people we see doing yoga in the parks, the more the world seems to be falling apart all around us. But everybody keeps pretending everything is okay.

“Fake the faking fakers”

Here’s a prediction worth more than many ebooks and their related PDFs:

The real world needs real people doing real things, in their communities, where they are. Online dropshitting is over. There will be no next big thing. Hopefully, the next big thing lives next door. You can talk with them anytime. Start tomorrow. Why not? Do you really believe that your neighbors are less interesting than the infinite bunch of assholes trying to sell you anything willing to sponsor their shitty content?

Come back to reality, ya bish !